Another couple of previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the fourth And one of the biggest giveaways, the 96 page Archie Comics Digest, and the Simpsons offerings from Bongo Comics.
Archie Comic Digest FCBD 2014 EDITION
(W) George Gladir, Various (A) Fernando Ruiz, Various
(CA) Dan Parent, Rich Koslowski, Rosario "Tito"[...]
free comic book day Archives
Surely we're counting down the days now until Free Comic Book Day? In that case, we have twenty-one days to go… and so many Free Comic Book Day comics to preview.
So this is what the Boom/Archaia collective are up to First, for the kiddies… we have the kaboom Summer Blast 2014
An explosion of All-Ages awesomeness[...]
Let's have a look at some upcoming Free Comic Book Day titles, today all about the robots from IDW and Red 5, the first in all stores, the second in some First Saturday of May, remember! I think I'll be bringing a bevy of children to London's stores with me…
Transformers/GI JOE by Tom Scioli and[...]
Let's have a look at some upcoming Free Comic Book Day titles, today from Dark Horse Comics who have two offerings, the first in all stores, the second in some First Saturday of May, remember! I think I'll be bringing a bevy of children to London's stores with me…
Avatar/Hellboy/Juice Squeezers
By Gene Luen Yang, Faith Erin[...]
Thanks to the Guardians Of The Galaxy movie.
And Marvel with have a comic book lined up just in time.
And a sneak peek on Free Comic Book Day Here's a coloured, lettered, sneak peek… at that sneak peek.
It's interesting Most people are going about their day, without realising that this summer they are all going[...]
Diamond Comic Distributors recently informed retailers of the Free Comic Book Day comics they could still add orders to, and of those that had all their numbers filled.
But also that one of the books was going to have to be allocated so that each retailer would only receive a certain percentage of their order.
And it's[...]
Valiant is moving up the release of RAI #1 to April 30th in time for Free Comic Book Day 2014 The first issue an all-new ongoing series from creators Matt Kindt (Unity, Justice League of America) and Clayton Crain (X-Force, Carnage), and the launch title of the Valiant First publishing initiative.
"Free Comic Book Day has been a major[...]
Shipping one week early, so as to be out for Free Comic Book Day And give those folks who have picked up the Valiant FCBD title a chance to… spend some money, as well as the Rai #1 Plus Edition with 16 pages more stuff for an extra dollar.
This summer, Matt Kindt and Clayton Crain's one-of-a-kind adventure[...]
Free Comic Book Day has put together a video of Stan Lee promoting this years upcoming Free Comic Book Day… This is the kind of thing Stan "The Man" can do for the industry like no other To a lot of the he is synonymous with comic books So I think getting the 91-year old[...]
Update – I mistakenly said the cup-masks were made for Free Comic Book Day but they were in fact done for New Comic Book Day And the folks there sent us some more images to go with… so I've added them below.
I've always thought if I open a comic shop I would put a coffee[...]
Oopsie! Two Free Comic Book Day comics appear to be a little on the naughtier side than might have been expected.
Both Ipso Facto from Automatic Pictures and Hip Hop Family Tree Two-In-One from Fantagraphics were both solicited as all-ages titles.
But, whether due to language, nudity, subject matter or violence, they have now been reclassified[...]
For it's Free Comic Book Day 2014 release of Armor Hunter Special, Valiant is offering retailers a chance at a customizable cover The prelude to the June release of Armor Hunters #1, is the big summer event for Valiant and retailers who secure a minimum order of 500 copies by the February 3rd cut-off date[...]
DC Entertainment's 2014 Free Comic Book Day title, DC Comics – The New 52 Futures End #1 FCBD Edition can be ordered with an edition specific to the comic store in question – as long as they order at least 5,000 copies of it Each copy will cost the store the same as the standard[...]
As word of last year's Free Comic Book Day rolled around, there was something different in the mix Something that surprised a few folks… among the free comics offered there was something else A magazine about comics A magazine filled with previews, interviews and articles With pieces on Collecting Comics 101, the Top Genre &[...]
Free Comic Book Day is on it's way And this year, as every year, there will be some shops complaining Who won't do it because it costs too much, doesn't bring in the crowds, or the right crowd, and anyway, why should they give away money.
Because it's true, while the comics are free to the[...]
Looks like retailers will be getting nice new stickers for Free Comic Book Day this year, featuring a certain Bartman Well, it is the seventy-fifth anniversary of Batman in 2014, I expect we'll be getting lots of that kind of thing…
Skottie Young has designed the T-shirt for Free Comic Book Day with a non-company specific[...]
Now we get the Silver books, comics that will be free from participating comic stores on Free Comic Book Day, Unlike the Gold books, these will be specifically chosen by individual stores to give away, and not all stores will have all the books.
I'd like to give a shout out first though to the Bleeding[...]
Free Comic Book Day is on 3rd May, 2014 Lots of comics, available free from your local comic book store, a mix of reprints and new material, all with the intention of grabbing new eyes to the medium, and teasing upcoming comics for old hands.
It's only 142 days folks! Get with it!
First up, the Gold[...]
Marvel announced on CBR today that there will be a second Free Comic Book Day release in 2014 To go with the already announced Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel and Venom story by Brian Michael Bendis and Nick Bradshaw… there will be a Rocket Raccoon book by Joe Caramagna and Adam Archer.
The book is to[...]
Diamond Comic Distributors have measured that Free Comic Book Day 2013 generated over $2,200,000 of free publicity, via news and feature coverage across media.
That included USA Today, CNN, Fox News, NPR, Wired, AP… and of course Bleeding Cool.
Diamond measured 63,000 tweets for FCBD, getting the top two USA trending slots for the day And that[...]
Today, Top Cow give the first issue of their Aphrodite XI away for Free Comic Book Day.
And it's a beaut! Digital/painted/heavy detail work, the kind of comic that Anomaly/Alex Ross fans should really enjoy.
But what comes next? Well, with the second issue a month away, here's a look at all their double spread pages from[...]
There's a new comic store opening today in Yonkers, New York, on 887A Yonkers Avenue. It's called The Spider's Web, and I think it might possibly sell
Today, as part of the Boom Free Comic Book Day offering, comic shops all over will have a preview of Regular Show #1 in the Kaboom Supper Special giveaway.
The actual Regular Show series has been delayed however, till later in the month.
Apart from in Durham, North Carolina, where Ultimate Comics has managed to get their[...]
Looks like Free Comic Book Day has begun… Jesse James' Comics started theirs at one minute past midnight, with a hundred and twenty-five in line…
Let us know how it goes at your local comic book store!
Looks like Free Comic Book Day has begun… Jesse James' Comics started theirs at one minute[...]
In one fell swoop, it's the goriest Free Comic Book Day comic to date, I think it's the first to get seriously sweary and basically it's the kind of comic that FCBD would not have allowed a few years ago Expect this to open the floodgates Do be careful when handing this one out to[...]
Tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day I'm not sure, we may have mentioned it.
Dark Horse Comics have two free comics available A Mass Effect/RIPD/Killjoys flipbook which is all lots of fun, but it's the Killjoys that will grab the eyeballs.
Gerard Way has written this comic with Shaun Simon, with Becky Cloonan on art, as an[...] I always thought celebrity was the way to go. Here's something we did three years ago. Yeah, they probably got
It's Free Comic Book Day tomorrow! So let's look at three kids comics from three publishers showing off a number of strips.
First up, Top Shelf Comix Kids Club, with Owly, Korgi, Jonny Boo, Upside Down (above), Pirate Penguins Vs Ninja Chicken and more All new stories, seen for the first time here Oh and a[...]
DC's offering this year is an interesting choice. Their Superman book includes a chapter from Geoff Johns, Richard Donner and Adam Kubert's Last Son Of
Bishop, though wash tones were added later, Squirrels will be given away as part of Free Comic Book Day at Toronto's Stadium Comics during the morning of Free Comic Book Day and Comic Book Lounge in the afternoon.
Created as a 12 Hour Comic by D.A Bishop, though wash tones were added later, Squirrels will[...]