Did we mention that it's also a much-needed comedy? Because that's what we can expect when Quentin Lee (White Frog, The People I've Slept With, Comedy InvAsian) and Adi Tantimedh's ("The Ravi PI" series from Simon & Schuster) pilot for Comisery streams on the Asian American Movies' Facebook page as well as at the pilot's[...]
Gran Torino Archives
Deku goes on to train with Gran Torino, who was also like a mentor to All Might when he was younger Deku starts training hard and starts understanding his quirk, One For All During the course of a few episodes we explore the different internships the different classmates moved on to We also get to[...]
Yes, Batman wants to do Gran Torino too.
But the best part of this encounter goes back to that strange equation of human components that is the Press Round Table Myself and most of my fellow reporters were quizzing Mr West about general aspects of the new film and his involvement in it But one reporter[...]