joe golem Archives

Happy Birthday, Mike Mignola! Let's Have A Look At Joe Golem: Occult Detective
In celebration, we're bringing you readers an exclusive trade cover reveal of his upcoming five part comic series with Christopher Golden, Joe Golem: Occult Detective Joe Golem spins out of the prose incarnation of the character we find in Mignola and Golden's novel Joe Golem and the Drowning City Joe Golem will be arriving in[...]
Now Mike Mignola And Christopher Golden Write Joe Golem Comics
Joe Golem is a private detective made out of clay with a line of novels by creators Christopher Golden and Mike Mignola. Now Joe Golem: Occult Detective with be a new comic book series from who else, Dark Horse, by Golden, Mignola, artist Patric Reynolds and colourist  Dave Stewart, Paste Magazine have the PR scoop/interview. Joe Golem takes place in a[...]