JonTron Archives

JonTron Out As Voice In 'Yooka-Laylee'
The move isn't all that shocking, but it should come as no surprise to anyone that JonTron was going to see some kind of pushback from his commentary Unlike others who have lost creative ventures, this one is going to sting a little more in the creative side than the financial side The YouTube star[...]
JonTron's Statements Spark Race Tensions With Fans As He Makes A Statement
So let's play catch-up: Jon Jafari (aka JonTron) made headlines on several websites this week after making racially insensitive tweets and speaking with Steve "Destiny" Bonnell in a debate which he talked about Mexicans invading America (Check out the video below and skip to 26 minutes in for the comments in full context.) The commentary is shocking on[...]