Fellow Traveller and Jump Over the Age have announced there will be a brand new DLC episode coming to Citizen Sleeper on March 30th The move is part of the dev's content roadmap that they've been planning out since the game was released, offering up free content to players who chose to buy their game[...]
Jump Over The Age Archives
Fellow Traveller and Jump Over the Age revealed the second Citizen Sleeper DLC update, Episode: REFUGE, will launch on October 27th The team has basically been taking a different kind of approach to storytelling with this game, as you have the base game available to you to play all the way through, but then they will offer up these[...]
This is a completely free update for the game from developer Jump Over The Age, and what looks to be the first episode of a series of episodes that will tell a greater story within the game after you've already learned the basics What kind of story they plan on telling is still unknown as[...]
Developed by Jump Over The Age, the same company that made In Other Waters, they have teamed up with artist Guillaume Singelin to create this interesting story set on a ruined space station The home of thousands of people trying to survive on the edges of an interstellar capitalist society, you will choose who to[...]
Fellow Traveller and Jump Over The Age revealed their new game this week called In Other Waters, set to be released sometime in 2020 This is a charmingly interesting title where you serve as the AI helping an underwater explorer determine why a base has been abandoned You will help navigate and guide her through[...]