The series is set on the titular planet, primarily in and around the city of Kandor–a name with a lot of baggage for those familiar with the city's legacy in the comics The earthling Adam Strange arrives from the future with a warning — Superman's greatest enemy has traveled back to Krypton to interfere with[...]
Kandor Archives
Goyer created Krypton for SyFy and producer Cameron Welsh (Constantine TV series, The Last Ship) is on board as showrunner.
The pilot episode (titled simply 'Pilot') begins with a voice over and flashback to Superman's great-great-grandfather Val El (Ian McElhinney) in the middle of a trial in the city of Kandor[...]
The plot revolves around the release of the citizens trapped in the Bottle City of Kandor, the capital of Krypton, the birthplace of Superman.
In the story, Batman frees one million people from the Bottle City Superman and the other heroes must then join together to fight them and prevent the conquest of the Earth.
The Master[...]
In the last decade of his life Michael Kelly focused a lot on Kandor, the capital city of Krypton The influential artist produce over 100 sculptures of the bottled city and now some of them are on display this weekend at the Hauser & Wirth Galleries Chuck Brouillette got the images while at the exhibit.