Alan Moore and Facundo Percio’s Fashion Beast #5 arrives in stores today, half-way through this complex tale that was nearly lost to the sands of time!
malcolm mclaren Archives
Alan Moore's long-lost story picks up steam at this half-way point, weaving a tale unlike any other in comics today! Here is a sneak preview of
Alan Moore’s Fashion Beast #4 arrives in stores today, delivering his long-lost tale after nearly thirty years! There is no nuclear winter in the seasons
A story first written by Alan Moore in the mid-eighties with the Sex Pistols' Malcolm McLaren, it has finally been unearthed after almost 30 years If you haven't tried this gem yet, here is a sneak peek of Fashion Beast #4, due out this Wednesday.
4 out of 5 stars Comic Book Resources
"…an inventive, tightly-written and[...]
Fashion Beast #3 arrives in shops today, bringing Alan Moore’s unearthed masterpiece into the limelight after nearly thirty years! Battered and bruised,
It's wonderful."
"There's not really a book like this on the stands right now."
4 out of 5 stars iFanboy
"Alan Moore's masterpiece that he's been hiding all these years has finally been released!"
Fashion Beast #2 is in stores today:
Alan Moore and Malcolm McLaren's historic re-imaging of Beauty and the Beast continues! Doll doesn't fit in anywhere. And[...]
As a screenplay with Sex Pistols manager and fashionista Malcolm McLaren And now, finally, it's been adapted as a comic Music, fashion and something very very nasty.
This is how Alan Moore describes it;
Since Malcolm McLaren first suggested that I write a screenplay based on his notion of marrying the strange and isolated life of Christian[...]
In 1985, while writing Watchmen, Alan Moore also wrote a screenplay with Malcolm McLaren and Robert Boykin, entitled Fashion Beast.
Twenty-seven years later, after a few false starts, Avatar are publishing a comic book adaptation from Antony Johnston and Facundo Percio, with Alan's involvement throughout But how close an adaptation is it? Well, here's the first[...]
No one redefined the comic book landscape quite like Alan Moore in the 1980s, and the year 1985 was one of the most creative of his career. He'd taken Saga of the Swamp Thing to new levels of horror and brilliance. He'd introduced the world to John Constantine, a magic con man and later, Hellblazer. [...]
Earlier this month, Avatar Press announced its upcoming publication of Fashion Beast, the long-lost collaboration between Alan Moore and Malcolm McLaren (founder of the Sex Pistols) The debut issue of this 10-issue series hits stores in September.
Fashion Beast was written in 1985, during one of the most celebrated periods of Moore's career He'd just begun[...]
A concept commissioned by Sex Pistols creator Malcolm McLaren , Alan Moore originally wrote the story as a screenplay With his blessing and approval (and McLaren's prior to his passing), that screenplay has been adapted for comics by Moore's longtime collaborator Antony Johnston (Daredevil, The Courtyard) and illustrated by Facundo Percio (Anna Mercury). The series[...]