movie theaters Archives

France: Temporary 3 Week Ban on Concessions Amid Rising COVID Cases
In a move that will likely be seen as worse than closing to movie theater owners, France has issued a three-week ban on concessions at movie theaters amid the rising COVID-19 cases starting on Monday, January 3rd, according to Deadline While studios will be glad to see that theaters remain open, theater owners are likely[...]
Christmas is the Best of Times, Worst of Times at Theaters this Year
Credit: Focus Features Christmas Day Releases Bring Out The Big Guns At The Wrong Time Movie theaters and studios started to delay major releases in March, and while a few movies have come out since then, there has been a good day where several big releases are coming out It didn't seem like there was going to[...]
New York City, USA - Jan. 5, 2017: View of AMC Empire 25 theater on 42nd Street, in Manhattan, at night (Image: Mark Zhu /
When it comes to reopening, there are a lot of why some states and counties have decided not to reopen movie theaters At the moment, there is the debate whether or not there is even an audience that wants to go to theaters, but that is neither here nor there New York City has been[...]
Now Regal Cinemas Will Require Masks. Your Move, Cinemark
This decision comes at the heels of MGM deciding to push back No Time To Die until April of 2021 in light of the pandemic and people not being comfortable returning to crowded movie theaters. The Regal 24 movie theater sign lit up at night Photo by Jesse Williams Cole / To make matters worse, it[...]
christopher nolan
In The Washington Post, he has penned a letter about the importance of movie theaters, and that need us more than ever when they open their doors again. Christopher NolanPhoto by BAKOUNINE / Christopher Nolan on how it takes a village to run a theater: When people think about movies, their minds first go to the stars,[...]