my friend dahmer Archives

'We Summon the Darkness': Horror Metal Mayhem in New Trailer
We Summon the Darkness is directed by Marc Meyers, who found acclaim with the film My Friend Dahmer Like a lot of things lately, this one takes place in the 80's as we continue to get horror in that setting.This is coming to you soon as well, as it will hit VOD in early April[...]
'My Friend Dahmer' Trailer And Info From Writer Derf Backderf
From Bleeding Cool's Marilyn Weiss: The graphic novel My Friend Dahmer by Derf Backderf was published 2012 It chronicles a short period of time during Backderf's high school years, during which he was schoolfriends with a then-teenaged Jeffrey Dahmer. For those of you who may not be familiar, Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the most infamous serial killers in[...]