nemesis Archives

The Millarworld Triple Variant Cover Thingy Scheduled
The covers will be available on Nemesis #4, Superior #4 and Kick-Ass 2 #2 Retailer orders for each are restricted to one copy for every ten normal issues ordered. Clicky to make biggy. Bleeding Cool printed the image previously Well the Millarworld crossover thing is actually three variant covers for Mark Millar's three Icon titles, drawn[...]
Is Mark Millar Paving The Way Back To DC Comics In The Next Ten Years?
I also know who I'd have draw it. So, can be see this as a timescale for Joe Quesada stepping down from Marvel? Or an indication that Mark Millar is changing his mind… even if it's in the long term. Oh and in other news, just as he did with Kick Ass/Old Man Logan/Fantastic Four/1985, he's finding[...]