poster Archives

Here's The Nifty IMAX Poster for The Avengers' Midnight Screenings
Zack Parks writes for Bleeding Cool. Following the midnight poster tie-in for John Carter at IMAX cinemas, they've done it again for The Avengers. This brand new, illustrated poster will be given to audiences who attend screenings of The Avengers at midnight on May 4th. I like this better than the official "clearly photoshopped" mess we got for a real[...]
Jacen Burrows Hollows Out Hollow Face For New Intruders Poster
Alasdair Stuart writes for Bleeding Cool. Over at Bloody Disgusting, the new 'comic' poster for Intruders has debuted Whilst they're not fans of the Juan Carlos Fresnadillo directed, Clive Owen shriek-a-thon (Actually can you imagine Clive Owen shrieking? It's like dogs looking up, it's just not something humans can picture), they do seem quite taken with[...]
Getting Silly With The Talking X-O Manowar Poster
This is the Valiant promo for the talking X-O Manowar poster, that uses a QR Code to launch a video on an smartphone, becoming the mouth of the character; [youtube][/youtube] Drawn by Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic, scripted by Robert Venditti and animated by Neal Adams' Continuity Studios This is a video of it in action at the most recent[...]
Shocking First Poster For The Human Centipede Part 2 Puts It All Out There
The original poster for Tom Six's original The Human Centipede was pretty nasty, but only if you looked at it already knowing the premise of the film It showed all three sections of the human centipede pressed up against a frosted glass pane, and it was a brilliant poster Discreet enough to get away with[...]
Frank Miller's Holy Terror Gets A Rather Red Poster – Plus First Five Pages
This is the rather bloody poster and print ad being used by Legendary Comics to promote the upcoming Holy Terror graphic novel by Frank Miller, as The Fixer takes on Al Qaeda Out in September, as close to a certain anniversary as possible, obviously Here are the first five pages and a video preview. [youtube][/youtube] [...]
New Muppets Poster Features Sam The Eagle As The First Avenger
Now here's a hero that I'd trust to punch Hitler in the face in the name of freedom and democracy. The Muppets have had a blast throwing out parody trailers out before finally unveiling the real one, and it seems that they're on a similar mission with their posters Here we see Sam the Eagle, the[...]
That's Gonna Hurt In The Morning: New Poster For Final Destination 5
If the claim is true then surely this horror sequel will have good acting, a decent plot and well-written dialogue and will not in any way be stupid, pointless or merely a half-assed cash in. Alright, that's enough ribbing, especially since I will admit that the new poster debuted by Yahoo is actually quite cool in[...]
A Teaser Poster For DREDD?
Via 2000AD.Wordpress via Andrew Quinn. The explanation given, alongside a number of Dredd images of statues and other posters is; my friends dad worked on the new judge dredd movie and he gave me this which is a sort of advance poster to promote the movie which wont be out until next year i wanted to put this[...]
DC Comics To Keep Publishing 'Opportunities'
Apparently not, according to this poster at the Licensing International Expo in Las Vegas, you're actually reading an oportunity Note everyone still in the old costumes of course – why would you want to put the new Superman on a lollipop? We do like Batman's glowing gut though. And there you were thinking you were[...]
New Johnny English Reborn Poster At MCM London Expo – UPDATE
From the floor of London's MCM Expo starting today, is the first look at a posters for Rowan Atkinson's upcoming sequel to the film based on a series of credit card TV advertisements, Johnny English The old poster can be seen in the background Johnny English Reborn is releasing across Europe in September and October[...]
Swipe File: Green Lantern Covers Vs Green Lantern Posters
The movie poster pose…. The comic book cover pose… The movie poster pose… The comic book cover pose… In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each other to some degree They may be homages, parodies, ironic appropriations, coincidences or works of the lightbox We trust you, the reader, to make that judgment[...]
Green Hornet Gets An International Quad Poster
This is the new international quad poster for Green Hornet. I don't know what an international quad is It sounds like some kind of cross-continental netball game or something I'm sure Brendon would know what it was if he was posting it, but he's on some off kind of embargo, I think. It's out in the US,[...]