Project Spark Archives

Project Spark Has Been Discontinued
Conceptually, I quite liked Project Spark I even enjoyed playing it from time to time The game was essentially an engine where you could easily create your own levels and games with select tools on Xbox One and PC, and it was actually surprisingly robust. Sadly, it looks like the game's run is coming to a[...]
Watch The Beginning Of Conker's Bad Fur Day Made In Project Spark
We learnt this week that the long promised Conker Pack is coming to Project Spark this month This is going to come alongside a new adventure put together by Team Dakota featuring the titular squirrel. That isn't all though The team has tried to show off the power of their game maker by recreating the first[...]
Conker Is 'Back' In This Trailer For A Project Spark Episodic Adventure
As teased at E3, Conker will be a part of Project Spark and soon he will have his own adventure designed within the game designer Team Dakota have created an episodic adventure called Conker's Big Reunion, following Conker as he tries to put the band back together. Here is a trailer: [youtube][/youtube] This adventure will come alongside a[...]
Rising from the Ashes – E3's Xbox One Press Conference
The two styles of play complimenting each other and creating seemingly endless possibilities as long as the villains placement tool makes the level building simple and effective, but we have faith in the studio to deliver. Keeping with the theme of creating, we had Project Spark A world builder, game creator, which already has been popular[...]