The series, written by Ryan Sohmer and illustrated by Lar deSouza, Hawk, Ryan Dunlavey and Ed Ryzowski will include strips from the very beginning along with bonus scenes from Non-Playable Character and Tiny Dick Adventures The first issue will be released with covers by Ty Templeton and Becky Dreisdadt.
Looking For Group follows the adventures of Cale'Anon[...]
ryan sohmer Archives
Its popularity, as well as with the interest of the series' creators, Ryan Sohmer and Lar DeSouza, pushed them to develop the comic into a role playing game utilizing the popular Pathfinder rule set from Paizo Publishing A success through Kickstarter, the Looking For Group Boxed Set was released at this year's GenCon (the largest[...]
Ryan Sohmer writes;
Ryan Sohmer here, writer of Gutters among a few other things.
If you're not familiar with it, Gutters is a series of stand-alone pages that parody the comic book industry and the heroes and characters that dwell within Rather than have one artist pencil each page, we elected to have a rotating roster of[...]
The Gutters is a weekly web comic written by Ryan Sohmer and a gang of artists that satirises the comic book industry Two weeks ago, they took a pot shot at Gareb Shamus, now ex-President and CEO of Wizard World With a strip that is… no longer online, not in its original form at least.