season nine Archives

Buffy – Will There Be A Season Ten?
Buffy The Vampire Slayer has continued in comic book form in both Season Eight and Season Nine, kicking off a series of comic books that have continued TV series in a similar fashion, such as Smallville Season Eleven. But will there be a Buffy Season Ten? At the Dark Horse: Joss Whedon panel yesterday at San[...]
Rebekah Isaacs To Pencil Buffy Season Nine?
The final issue of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Eight came out today. But Buffy Season Nine is due to have a new look. As Georges Jeanty moves on to DC work, so it's time for Buffy to take a new artist in return. Bleeding Cool understand that Rebekah Isaacs, recently on the DC/Wildstorm book DV8 but also[...]