The Shattered Warpgate Archives

PlanetSide 2 Receives A Massive Update With The Shattered Warpgate
This morning, PlanetSide 2 received a massive update from Rogue Planet Games bringing the new expansion of The Shattered Warpgate This update radically changes parts of the landscape in the MMOFPS, as you'll now have to contend with the elements after the warpgate altered much of the way the environment behaves A good chunk of[...]
PlanetSide 2 Is Getting A New Expansion With The Shattered Warpgate
Rogue Planet Games revealed a new expansion for PlanetSide 2 today as they announced The Shattered Warpgate is on the way This update will evolve the war-torn battlescapes with new open-world storytelling experience in Campaigns Each one will contain multi-staged environmental and gameplay changes for you to experience in new missions as the story unfolds[...]