ultimate Archives

We're Killing A Different Spider-Man! Got Your Nose!
So, Marvel announce the Death Of Spider-Man – but aha! It's the Ultimate Spider-Man! Fooled you! Is it me, or was Ultimate Spider-Man actually meant to die in Ultimatum, was indeed pronounced dead, but then in Requim was suddenly found alive And now he's dying again Did something go a little skew-whiff in the planning? Anyway, it;s[...]
Captain America: Better Dead Than Red Herring
Okay, everyone I talk to in a position to know (and happy to share with me) says that Captain America #600 and Reborn #1 will feature the return of Steve Rogers to the role of Captain America by some undisclosed (to me, at least) means. But which Steve Rogers? With the three-and-three-quarter inch Ultimate Captain America figures[...]