Cody Rhodes has shown through all of this that he is a natural leader, and every performer has gone above and beyond these past few weeks.
But there are two performers who've been downright incredible.
One storyline that has really captured the imagination, and hearts, of everyone watching.
Chris Jericho and Vanguard 1.
This ongoing saga between Jericho and[...]
vanguard 1 Archives
Two former cohorts of Hardy from Impact Wrestling seem to be teasing a return to the ring as well, with Senor Benjamin, loyal servant to Hardy in the Broken universe but real-life father to Hardy's wife Reby, tweeting:
Me llamaron?
— Señor Benjamin (@BenjaminSenor) November 28, 2017
Yes mister Hardy.
— Señor Benjamin (@BenjaminSenor) December 1, 2017
Additionally, Vanguard 1,[...]