So that was Bleeding Cool's most traffic-heavy week for quite some time as we broke out stories about DC Comics and Doctor Who - too much for some folk it
zatanna Archives
We have 55 more cosplay photos from the convention floor at the New York Comic Con. These photos were taken by Ray Flook, Derek Trum and Thom Dunn. Enjoy!
Like with the Thanksgiving and Christmas videos… this isn't exactly work safe or for the kiddies.
Here we see Zatanna making things more interesting for Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the rest of the League with some magic cookies.
The Nerdist Youtube channel continues their Justice League holiday video's with today's release of A Super Sexy[...]
I'm sorry, it's the topless Cylon that just gets me.
Welcome to Eileen Stagg's 2014 Cosplay Calendar, featuring burlesque cosplay, which includes some fine designs for Angela, Death, Zatanna and more Wonderful clothes but… not that many of them.
Oh and since we're over two weeks into the first of the month, it's down from $25 to[...]
Everyone's favorite fishnet clad magician Zatanna returns to Clark Kent's home town, but this time she's at odds with John Constantine.
The DC Comics digital series based on the long running CW show explores the early life of Superman Zatanna has made a few appearances in this continuity played by Serinda Swan, but this will be[...]
Now, in Justice League Dark #24 he wants to find his teammates… and specifically Zatanna whom he loves His search brings him to the notice of a new evil in the DC Universe… Blight.
DC teased the new character and gave some images from the upcoming issue on their website along with a list of issues where the[...]
Trust me.)
An original graphic novel:
-Black Canary/Zatanna: Bloodspell, by Paul Dini and Joe Quinones for May 2014.
Major collections for next year also include:
– Absolute All-Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder (presumably #1-10)
– A Batman anthology and a Joker anthology, in the vein of this year's Superman and Lois Lane collections
– New editions of Batman: Bruce[...]
I still miss the classic top hat, but it's a good costume: Now it seems that Zatanna is about to return just a little closer to her classic look — with a few new twists Earlier tonite, Geoff Johns tweeted:
Most-Read Comic Stories Thursday:
Zatanna's New Costume: The Classic Fishnet Tights Return (But No Top Hat, Apparently)
Now it[...]
I'd have guessed more.)
But one of the apparent side effects of this pants policy was that Zatanna, so famous for her fishnets, would have a redesign which put them on her arms.
We've recently seen that another controversial costume change is about to be reverted, as the solicits for World's Finest #12 has Power Girl returning to[...]
Or rather, this is the solicited version, featuring Zatanna in some kind of basque thing Because the version that actually bring, makes a couple of changes.
Suddenly Zatanna's neck line has dropped, the zip is been pulled down a little Say, looking at Constantine, there's no chance he was using some kind of latent telepathy is[...]
There's been a lot of tweets and blog posts this week devoted to the issue of the redesigns of female characters featuring costumes with pants — hilighted most unusually by Zatanna's famous fishnets now being on her arms Jim Lee vows that secrets of the costume redesigns will be revealed later today, so perhaps we'll[...]
And Black Canary's still got her fishnet tights – but bluey-grey trousers underneath.
So what to do with Zatanna? Classically in the magician's outfit with fishnets up to her armpits (not literally, that would be hideous.) Well according to this cover to Justice League Dark, she'll be wearing low cut black trousers but have fishnets on[...]
In the original promotion for The Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search For Swmp Thing, while Batman and Superman were present on the cover and we worked out the foreground fellow was John Constantine, the other dark figure was a mystery.
But when John was officially revealed, so was Zatanna…
Not any more In previews printed in certain[...]
Spinning out of the Boston Comic Con, DC Women Kicking Ass have the word that Joe Quinones is drawing the long-promised Black Canary/Zatanna original graphic novel by Paul Dini for DC Comics, called Bloodspell.
Is that a school of fishnets?
They say it "begins with a back story where an 11 year old Zatanna meets a [...]
First of course there was the singer Taylor Swift making her signature heart shape with her hands…
Was it reflected in this Brian Bolland Zatanna cover at all?
And did Taylor Swift see and take further inspiration for the new Entertainment Weekly cover?
I don't care if it's a stretch, I like it.
In Swift File we present two[...]
Kcuf em syawedis... You know those calculator games where you can type in 55378008, turn it upside down and it reads "Boobless" that used to amuse every