Ziff. Best known as the founder of the publishing empire that became officially known as Ziff-Davis in 1936, there are a few gaps from before that date in the biographic blurbs on Ziff that lead to interesting places.
Doc Wizard's Lucky Systems (William B Ziff/Feature Magazine Corp, Fall 1934)
Welcome back, and it's time for Spicy History[...]
Ziff-Davis Archives
Wolheim's pitch for the Avon Fantasy Reader pulp digest, which would launch a month later and contain plenty of horror. At least one cover from a 1947 issue of Avon Fantasy Reader would be borrowed for an issue of the Eerie comic book years later. Such inspirations often happened between Avon's paperbacks and comics as[...]
Before Marvel, there was Ziff-Davis, and Amazing Adventures was a 1950's science fiction anthology comic with painted covers, doing its best to look like the pulp sci-fi prose anthology of fame, Amazing Stories, which they have previously published Amazing Adventures ran for six sporadic issues, beginning in 1950 with two issues, then three issues in June,[...]
Hitting newsstands in January 1951, the title of the Ziff-Davis Cinderella Love series was likely inspired by the success of Disney's Cinderella throughout 1950. The now-legendary animated classic also prompted a wave of Cinderella-themed consumer goods and created the kind of phenomenon that had people attempting to insert the concept of Cinderella into cultural conversations[...]
Starting in the 50's Ziff-Davis had a long running and very popular Joe anthology book on the stands, featuring painted covers and some of the most striking images from the golden age What's wild that you may not know? GI Joe has been printed in comics form all the way back to 1941 The Ziff-Davis[...]