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AEW Dynamite 7/8/20 Fyter Fest Night 2 Part 1: Joey Janela's Bad Day
It's time for another battle in the Wednesday Night Wars. Last week, AEW Dynamite Fyter Fest Night 1 came up short in viewership when compared to NXT's Greatest American Bash Night 1, but Fyter Fest won in the 18-49 demographic. Now the second night of both shows are going head-to-head again. Who will prevail? How will wrestling fans decide which show to watch?! Thankfully, the age of DVR means we don't have to program a VCR to record NXT like we did WCW Nitro back in the day. What, you didn't watch Nitro live and tape Raw, did you?
Dynamite opens with an AEW World Tag Team Championship match as Hangman Page and Kenny Omega defend their titles against Private Party. Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary, and Britt Baker has already passed Tony a note claiming that she was burned by Hangman Page's pyro during his entrance. Matt Hardy is at ringside in support of Private Party.
Omega and Marq Quen start things off, and Omega quickly has Quen in peril. Page and Omega keep Quen isolated until Quen reverses a Kotatu Crusher, putting Private Party in control over Omega. They hit their Silly String spot, and Hangman Page punishes Quen by power-bombing him over the barricade and into the crowd. Isiah Kassidy follows up with a baseball sending Page into the crowd as well, and then a springboard flip off the ropes on top of him. This is not the kind of social distancing recommended by the CDC.
Inside the ring, Omega gets a chance to recover. He blocks a senton from Quen and now it's chaos as all four men battle in the ring. It ends with Kassidy back in control after Private Party hit a double Spanish Fly on Omega. Omega and Kassidy trade punches in the ring and Kassidy gets the better of that too. Say what you want about Omega, but he is an extremely generous performer. Quen tags in and Omega fights back, monkey-flipping Kassidy onto Quen. Omega tags in Page, who powerbombs Kassidy on top of Quen.
In a cool spot, Page tries to hit the Buckshot Lariat on Quen, but Kassidy runs in and catches Page on his back (like he does with Quen during the Silly String) and flips him back outside. Quen hits a shooting star press on Page after that and Omega just barely makes the save in time. That will be the closest Private Party comes tonight to the championships. Omega hits V-Trigger on Kassidy while Private Party is going for Gin and Juice, and Page powerbombs Quen from the top rope. All that's left is a Last Call and Kassidy eats the pin from Page.
Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone remind viewers to wear their coronavirus masks and then run through tonight's lineup. Chris Jericho will fight Orange Cassidy, SCU will fight Dark Order (with Colt Cabana), Nyla Rose will fight two jobbers, and The Young Bucks and FTR will team up to fight the Lucha Bros and The Butcher and The Blade. Finally, Lance Archer will murder Joey Janella, which is happening after some commercials.
After the break, the announcers promote Hot Ones: The Game Show. Does it look like Cody will be a guest or something? Janela comes out to the ring without Sonny Kiss. And we soon learn why. Archer comes out carrying an unconscious Sonny Kiss and tosses him onto Janela to start the match. Jake the Snake is here on Dynamite to observe the carnage.
Archer brutalizes Janela at ringside at first, but Janella hits a series of high-flying moves to temporarily take Archer down. Janela pulls a table out from under the ring. He puts Archer o the table and grabs a chair, which he brings to the top rope. For the first time in AEW history, the ref actually enforces the rules, taking the chair from Janela. This bad break allows Archer to take control again. Archer pummels Janela through a commercial break.
AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Night 2 Part 1 Recap Continues!
During that break, we see part one of Cody Rhodes eating hot wings on a zoom call which is a game show now I guess, so I guess that's what JR was talking about earlier. This will be continued throughout the night during commercial breaks, so don't change that channel, dammit, or you won't see Cody make sly references to the Four Horsemen!
Dynamite is back. Janela is doing his best to fight back against Archer, but one of them is Lance Archer and the other is Joey Janella. We see clips of all the violence Archer inflicted during the break. Sonny Kiss is awake and doing his best to help Janela now, which still won't be enough. They do a spot where Janella tries and fails to take Archer off his feet with clotheslines that end in an attempt at the Blackout, which Janella reverses into, I think, a slingblade, mid-air. That was pretty cool. It's not enough for a pinfall, but it does allow Janela to get a little more offense in. He hits a senton bomb on Archer and then, while Jake the Snake is inadvertently distracting the ref, Sonny Kiss hits a 450. But Archer shrugs it off. Archer takes Janela to the apron and hits the Blackout off the apron and through Chekov's table on the floor from earlier. That's the end, as Archer brings Janela back in the ring and gets the pinfall. Jake is pleased. Archer makes love to the camera while singing his own theme song.
A Darby Allin video package calls out Brian Cage. Allin may not be cleared to compete, but he lives for danger, man. So in the video, he goes to what appears to be one of those bounce castle parks but for adults. Allin does coffin drops off of a thirty-foot-high platform into a ball pit. Bitchin'.
Tony Schiavone brings out Taz, who claims to have news about next week's Fight for the Fallen event, another special edition of Dynamite, and Brian Cage. Taz has something hidden in a black towel with him. Taz says that Cage was supposed to win the championship from Jon Moxley tonight until WWE gave him coronavirus. Since that's not happening, Taz has brought something he created decades ago. Oh shit, is it the FTW belt? Yes it is. Taz is going old school ECW. He says the man who holds this championship is the baddest son of a bitch in wrestling. He gives it to Brian Cage. Taz tells Moxley his ass is done next week. Commercials.
It stands for "F**k the World," by the way. So who thinks Taz is slowly transforming Brian Cage into Taz with the ultimate goal of using dark powers to transfer his consciousness into Cage so he can live forever? Just me? Fine, but it would make a good story. Time to split this report in half because I don't get paid by the word. See you over in part 2 of our AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Night 2 report.