The ratings are in for AEW Dynamite Blood and Guts, and the results are good for the company, but not necessarily great. Ratings were up and Dynamite was the top-ranked show on cable for the night, which is indisputably good. But Viewership only barely cracked a million for the big show, failing to top the numbers Dynamite was getting in April after they successfully bullied NXT off Wednesday nights. On a day The Chadster was expecting an even more catastrophic win for AEW, The Chadster will take this as a small favor.
AEW Dynamite Blood and Guts was the number one rated show on cable last night. [Photo: All Elite Wrestling]According to Showbuzz Daily, 1.09 million viewers tuned into AEW Dynamite last night, as averaged across two hours. The overall number may have been hurt slightly by an underwhelming undercard, which would suit The Chadster just fine. In the 18-49 demographic, Dynamite scored a .42, a full .10 higher than the number two ranked show, MTV's The Challenge. Across both cable and network television, Blood and Guts earned Dynamite the 10th place overall when ranking shows by the 18-49 demo.
If AEW Dynamite Blood and Guts beat WWE Raw in the ratings, The Chadster would have been so upset he'd throw himself off the top of a ten foot cage into a pile o pillows with silver-painted cardboard on top of them. Luckily for the Chadster, Dynamite did not beat Raw. [Photo: All Elite Wrestling]The Chadster was pretty upset after watching Blood and Guts last night, and it's true that Dynamite did significantly better than NXT on Tuesday, but falling slightly under The Chadster's expectations is actually somewhat redeeming in The Chadster's eyes. To top things off, Blood and Guts is the second time AEW has blown the finish of an otherwise excellent match due to factors unrelated to the wrestling itself, so The Chadster is pretty much over the moon right now.
If the show had ended right here, Dynamite might have had another 500,000 viewers. [Photo: All Elite Wrestling]Yes, The Chadster will be downing White Claw seltzers tonight. He may have two, even three of them. But it won't be to escape the pain of a world where viewers betray The Chadster's beloved WWE. No, The Chadster will be drinking in celebration tonight. And that's the bottom line 'cause Chad said so.
The Bottom Line 'Cause Chad Said So graphic, made by me, The Chadster. Graphic design is my passion.
Chad McMahon, otherwise known as The Chadster, is a lifelong professional wrestling fan and now journalist. Chad’s interests also include comic books, movies, netflix, and other sports including football, baseball and basketball, both college and professional. Chad drives a Miata and is married to Keighleyanne. He loves WWE with all his heart and soul.
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The Chadster suffered through another Tony Khan disaster on AEW Dynamite! From Kenny Omega to Toni Storm, this show was literally designed to cheese The Chadster off! 😡 🤬 🍹
Tony Khan has crafted another DISRESPECTFUL episode of AEW Dynamite designed to personally attack The Chadster! The lineup literally stabs Triple H right in the back! 😫
The Chadster reviews WWE Raw where John Cena threatens to ruin wrestling properly, unlike how Tony Khan does it every week! Plus another Tony Khan nightmare! 😱
The Chadster previews tonight's STACKED WWE Raw from Scotland! Cody meets Cena, CM Punk speaks, and more WWE excellence that will cheese off Tony Khan!