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Interview with the Vampire: Sam Reid Visits Season 3 Writers' Room

AMC's Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire Season 3 writers posted some looks at Sam Reid's recent visit to the writers' room/house.

Earlier this week, the writers crafting the third season of AMC and Rolin Jones's (Perry Mason, Weeds) Jacob Anderson, Sam Reid, Delainey Hayles, Assad Zaman & Eric Bogosian-starring Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire took fans on a brief but fun tour of the writers' room – which is actually more like a writers' home. Near the end of the clip, we see someone who appears to be Reid, seemingly practicing his songs – before the door mysteriously closes on its own (?!?). In a deleted scene that was released, it was much easier to see Reid – but even still, there were some who had their doubts. Of course, there were many more who just wanted to see more of Reid (very understandable). Earlier, the writers posted some additional look at Reid's visit just to make sure everyone was on the same page.

Interview with the Vampire
Image: AMC Networks

Here's a look at the images (or receipts, for those casting doubt) from Reid's visit to the writers' room/house:

Here's a look back at the semi-serious tour of the writers' house for AMC's Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire Season 3 – followed by an outtake with a better look at the certain someone at the end:

AMC's Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire Season 3

Back in August 2024, series composer Daniel Hart participated in a Reddit AMA to discuss what it was like composing the first two seasons and answer fan questions. Though Hart noted that it was still too early to discuss specifics on music for the third season, he did offer some insights into "Long Face" and how he's approaching the music for Season 3 with Reid's vocal stylings in mind.

In terms of Hart's musical inspirations for "Long Face," Hart notes it was "Ziggy Stardust"-era David Bowie and T. Rex. As for when the song will hit streaming, Hart shares, "'Long Face' will eventually make it to streaming services, I have no doubt. And I wish I could give you a timetable for that, but I just don't know yet. I know so many folx want to stream it, but I have to ask for your patience while many other moving parts fall into place." As for whether we will be getting any more tracks from Lestat before Season 3 primers, Hart responded, "I probably couldn't tell you if I knew. But I actually don't know, so I don't have much else I can say about it. Except that The Vampire Lestat likes writing songs. :)."

What Hart Likes/Finds Interesting About Sam Reid's Voice: "Sam's voice – what's not to like? Yes, I keep his vocal register in mind when I'm writing for him. Yes, I think about what I know about his voice already, in terms of what words will sound good coming out of his mouth (the slight French accent also affects these choices). BUT his voice, like every voice, is full of surprises, and I can't wait for the next time we record something to discover a new surprise. And no, I don't know when that next time will be, but I really look forward to it."

Hart on Differences in Producing "Come to Me" and "Long Face": "'Come To Me' was done remotely while Sam was filming S1, and I unfortunately couldn't be there, even remotely. 'Long Face,' we were in the studio together. Being together makes it a lot easier to get to the vocal performances we both want. So 'Come To Me,' we really have to thank Sam, Rolin, and my music editor, Mark Vlodarkiewicz, for getting it where it needed to be. For Long Face, we tried a few different approaches – Lestat is furious, Lestat is singing to a fan in the audience at a show, Lestat is seducing everyone – and we had a lot of fun. Sam really gave it his all; it was a pleasure."

Interview with the Vampire
Image: AMC Networks

In season three, resentful of the perfunctory portrayal in the trashy bestseller 'Interview With The Vampire,' the Vampire Lestat sets his story straight in a way only the Vampire Lestat can—by starting a band and going on tour," read the official overview for the third season. "Gabrielle. Nicholas. Magnus. Marius. Those Who Must Be Kept. They join Louis, Armand, Molloy, Sam, Raglan, Fareed, and others we can't tell you about yet on a sexy pilgrimage across space, time, and trauma. No Auto-Tuning. No Trigger Warnings. All Feels Amplified. Now, here's a look at the official lyric video for Lestat de Lioncourt's "Long Face":

Speaking with The Los Angeles Times, Jones shared that they're looking to create "a little pop masterpiece" next season – dropping the names of two powerfully influential musicals that are setting the bar. "Lestat becomes a rock star. Let's start there. We're going to do a lot with that and are excited about potentially working with Daniel Hart, who's done the music for the first two seasons," Jones shared. "We're going to try to beat 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch' and 'Rocky Horror.' We're about to try to make a little pop masterpiece."

Mark Johnson executive produces AMC's Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, along with Christopher Rice (with the late author also maintaining an executive producer title). AMC's deal includes 18 titles across the "The Vampire Chronicles" and "The Lives of the Mayfair Witches" book series- also including Queen of the Damned, The Vampire Lestat, and The Witching Hour. Johnson leads AMC's efforts to develop the full Rice collection for television & streaming. Emmy Award-winning director Alan Taylor (Mad Men, Game of Thrones) directed the first two episodes and serves as executive producer.

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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