Posted in: Adult Swim, Amazon Studios, HBO, Rick and Morty, streaming, TV | Tagged: james gunn, patriot, peacemaker, rick and morty, stephen king, The Wire
James Gunn Talks Top 3: Rick and Morty, Stephen King Books & More
Of the things we admire about Peacemaker series creator James Gunn, his ability to both embrace & control his social media presence definitely ranks high on that list. As much as the series deserves for getting viewers to rethink hitting the "SKIP" button on the opening credits, "The Suicide Squad" spinoff also got viewers to reconsider the idea that binging is better than a delayed viewing experience. Between Twitter watch parties and the show's entire team maintaining a strong online presence, each episode felt like an event that kept building from week to week. And as much as we don't like comparisons, it's not even a debate that Peacemaker had a much higher "coolness factor" than Disney+'s The Book of Boba Fett did. Look no further than the impact that the HBO Max series had on the music charts, as hair metal saw a resurgence. Earlier today, Gunn jumped back into the Twitterverse for several rounds of "Ask Me My Top 3" where among the topics he covered were his three favorite television shows, his three-ish favorite Peacemaker moments, and his three favorite Stephen King works:
First up, Gunn offers up his top television shows with Dan Harmon & Justin Roiland's Rick and Morty making the cut (despite the "animosity"), followed by HBO's critically-acclaimed The Wire and Amazon's critically-acclaimed comedy-drama Patriot:
When it came to Peacemaker moments, Gunn couldn't narrow it down to three so he went four instead- and yes, they involve Eagly, Steve Agee's Economos, a tearful Harcourt (Jennifer Holland), and Chris's (John Cena) tough call:
And when it comes to King's works, you can expect to see The Dead zone, The Stand, and Salem's Lot on Gunn's bookshelf:
Speaking with Variety for an interview that went live not long after the season finale hit the streaming service, Gunn discussed the finale scene where the Justice League shows up briefly (with Jason Mamoa's Aquaman and Ezra Miller's The Flash seen up close and with speaking lines). While explaining how it all came about, Gunn mentions how he learned about Miller being a fan of his films through friends so he asked Miller to come in and shoot his scene. Now the cool part? The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 film crew actually shot Miller's scenes that we see. Not only was that a nice gesture on Marvel's part, but it also turned out to be Marvel repaying a favor. "Marvel owed DC because the 'Peacemaker' crew shot my screen test for Chukwudi [Iwuji aka Clemson Murn] for 'Guardians Vol. 3.' And then we got Ezra with the 'Guardians Vol. 3' crew." So not only does the man find a way to be successful in both universes, but for one brief, shining moment? Gunn brought the universes together. Interesting to think how different things would be if fans knew more about moments like these. Now here's a look at what Gunn had to say when he checked in with the hosts behind Podly: The Peacemaker Podcast: