Posted in: Adult Swim, Opinion, Rick and Morty, streaming, TV, TV | Tagged: Adult Swim, elon musk, elon tusk, opinion, rick and morty, twitter
Rick and Morty Solved Our Twitter/Elon Musk Problem Back in Season 4
Since our brain is too fried actually to check the calendar, we're going to go with how it feels instead. So with that now on the table, it's "ten years" since Elon Musk began turning Twitter into a social media sandbox more suitable for a man-child with an inferiority complex. He's tried every possible variation (and color) you can think of to revamp the "blue check" process, only to find new ways to make it more of a mess. We watched the "proponent of free speech" kill accounts when that very same free speech he claims to love was used against him. And then he opened the gates once again to the flow of hate-mongers, whackjob conspiracy theorists, shady bots, socially inept trolls, and spewers of misinformation- and that's just Trump and Kanye. But… could this nightmare finally be coming to an end? "I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job! After that, I will just run the software & servers teams," Musk tweeted late on Tuesday… but hold on! Before anyone starts dialing up the Earth, Wind & Fire? This is Musk we're talking about. None of that means anything until we have a name, details, a start date, copies of legal paperwork, and proof that the new CEO is a human being and not just three beavers in a trenchcoat. You know… the important details. But let's say it's true, and he is leaving. Either because he's abiding by the Twitter poll that said he should step down (*cough*bullshit*cough*) or the reports that Tesla investors are wanting "The Musk-eteer" to gallop back up to focus his attention on his financially-hurting company. Who should take over? Well, we think it's pretty obvious. But it's not our idea. Nope, we have the fourth season of Dan Harmon & Justin Roiland's Rick and Morty to thank for the solution.
In Rick and Morty S04E03 "One Crew Over the Crewcoo's Morty" (directed by Bryan Newton and written by Caitie Delaney), our dimension-hopping duo enlists a "crew" to help them take down Heist-o-Tron in an episode that deconstructs heist films in all of the best ways possible. One person they enlist is Elon Tusk (yup, more multiverse fun). Now, wouldn't Elon Tusk just end up being the same as our Musk, except for the tusks? Ahhh… the tucks are the key difference. Because in the episode, it's established that Elon Tusk has a stronger sense of personal humility than our variant because of the tusks. And if there's one thing that our Musk needs are a decent sense of humility & humbleness. And then we see how well Elon Tusk takes orders and does his part to be a team player for the greater good (even if an occasional comment rubs Rick the wrong way), understanding that he's not "The Smartest Guy in The Room" in this situation. Seriously. Read that again. Do any of you seriously see our Musk acting like that? So, as far as we're concerned? Elon Musk Has Got to Go! Elon Tusk Should Run The Show!
And here's a look back at Rick and Morty S04E03 "One Crew over the Crewcoo's Morty," what can best be described as Elon Tusk's audition reel for the Twitter job: