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She-Hulk Team Talks Megan Thee Stallion, Twerking & More (SPOILERS)

Earlier this week, it was confirmed that singer, rapper & all-around multi-talent Megan Thee Stallion would be making an appearance in Disney+ & Marvel Studios' Tatiana Maslany-starring She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. Well, apparently, the spoiler rules were thrown out the window this morning (for those of us on NYC time) with the reveal that it was this week's episode. With it being the worst-kept secret in the world, we checking in with writer Jessica Gao, director Kat Coiro, and Maslany via an interview with EW as they discuss what it was like working with Megan, how it all came about, and… some dancing dailies footage of Maslany & Megan that sounds like it needs to see the light of day?!? #ReleaseTheMaslanyMeganTwerkCut, anyone? But with that said, we still have to throw on the "MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!" sign and throw down an image spoiler buffer just to be on the safe side…

SHE-HULK: ATTORNEY AT LAW (Image: Screencap)

Without going into detail, let's just say that Megan is a major factor in a case that Jen (Maslany) is working on involving a little "Asgardian mistaken identity." And from there, Jen signs herself a new client, and the two celebrate with some celebratory twerking. Now here's a behind-the-scenes look at how it all came about:

Gao Didn't Know They Could "Dream That Big" for a Guest Star: "We didn't even know that we could dream that big. When we wrote the script, all we knew was we needed to have a female celebrity who was very famous, very successful, and very beautiful. But we didn't know if it was going to be an actress, or a model, or a musician. And depending on who it was, we knew we'd probably have to tweak the story a little bit to fit whoever we ended up casting." – Gao

Viewers Have Jameela Jamil to Thank for Recommending Megan: "Jameela one day floated the idea of Megan, and the moment she said that, and the moment we realized that that could be a possibility, we were like, 'Stop everything. That's it. The conversation's done. We only care about Megan now. And if Megan will do it, then that settles it.'" – Gao

Megan Being an MCU Fan Helped Secure the Deal: "We found out that Megan loves Marvel and superhero stuff, so it was incredible. It really came together very quickly, and we didn't even have time to stop and just stand in awe at the fact that this was actually happening. It was everyone's dream come true, especially Tatiana." – Gao

Coiro Thought the End Credits Scene Needed More Butt: "I had to keep telling them to tilt the camera down — get the butt. Their reaction was to stay on the face, and I was like, 'Down, down, down!'" – Coiro

Maslany Wanted a Scene with Megan… and Everyone Wanted She-Hulk & Megan Twerking Together: "Tatiana really wanted a scene with Megan, and we saw how fun that energy would be and how it would be a missed opportunity not to have them on screen together. And we also learned that She-Hulk's a great twerker, which was a surprise to all of us." – Coiro

Maslany Says She's Been "Prepping My Whole Life" for Her Scene with Megan: "I've been watching Megan's videos since she came out and seeing her on stage, and I'd done my hours." – Maslnay

Gao Wants the Dailies of Maslany & Megan Dancing Released…: "I think it was one of Tatiana's happiest days of her life and I really hope that they release the dailies of that footage because they danced for so long. I hope they just release all of it unedited, uncut, so that you can see the pure joy." – Gao

… But Maslany? Maybe Not Much…: "It definitely doesn't look as cool on the day as it does after the VFX have done their work on it. It's this little gray pajama person and Megan Thee Stallion dancing together — it's a very odd pairing." – Maslany

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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