Posted in: Netflix, streaming, Trailer, TV | Tagged: grant morrison, invisibles, neil gaiman, netflix, sandman
The Sandman Star Considered Adapt of Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles"
Since it appears viewers are loving Netflix, creator, EP & co-writer Neil Gaiman (Good Omens); EP, co-writer & showrunner Allan Heinberg (Wonder Woman); and EP & co-; and writer David S. Goyer's (Foundation) steaming series adaptation of The Sandman so much that they're making pitches for spinoffs, then we have one more to add to the list. Because Rose Walker (Kyo Ra) and her real & extended family are definitely worth some return visits. And one of the reasons for that is John Cameron Mitchell's (Hedwig and the Angry Inch, How to Talk to Girls at Parties) Hal Carter, the drag queen who also owns & runs the house where Rose stays during the season.
Speaking with ahead of the premiere of The Sandman, Mitchell explained that the way Gaiman approaches myths, legends, and lore and applies them in humanistic ways is one of the things that sets him apart from other fantasy authors. "It's interesting because the major adult comic series, the seminal ones, were ['The Sandman'], 'Watchmen,' and 'The Invisibles.' They came out mostly in the '90s, little of 2000s sometimes, or late '80s, and they revolutionized comics, and they, of course, spawned a thousand other titles who were inspired by them. Neil went on to become his own Joseph Campbell in a way. He took all of these myths and made narratives out of all of them. He didn't come from, let's say, from a George Martin point of view where sometimes it feels like the hardware is more important than the software, if you know what I mean," Mitchell explained. "Neil was always interested in the myth as it related to someone very human and modern myths, whereas George Martin is a bit more like Beowulf. You don't go into their psyche too hard, right? You just have revenge, and you have… eeehh, and that's not exactly my thing."
When asked during a follow-up if he would consider being involved in an adaptation of any other "unfilmable" classic comic book series (as The Sandman was considered to be), Grant Morrison's The Invisibles topped his list. Running from 1994-2000 with an array of artistic talent collaborating with Morrison (and letterers Clem Robins & Todd Klein), the influential comic book series (if you can summarize it in a sentence) focuses on the freedom fighters of The Invisible College as they wage their secret war against humanity's oppressors, interdimensional alien gods otherwise known as the Archons of the Outer Church. "I think I would be up for writing an 'Invisibles' series. At one time my producer was saying, 'You should pursue that.' I get a little wary with things that are going to cost too much money because more money means more trouble, more jockeying for money and effects, and it just gets unwieldy, "Mitchell revealed. "So, I didn't really pursue that. But The Invisibles, the most famous book and maybe memorable, is called Apocalipstick. It's about a trans member of the group of superheroes named Lord Fanny, who is this Brazilian boy in the tradition of Candomblé, which is a kind of Afro-Brazilian religion dealing with death. It's an incredible book. That alone would make an incredible feature just right there, and it's definitely echoes of ['Hedwig and the Angry Itch'] by way of a deeper kind of shamanistic tradition that I find fascinating. Maybe having grown up super Catholic, I still have the idea of ritual in me."