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Fox News Notices Superman's Lack Of Americanness, Commentators Are As Hilarious As Ever
Linking to a Wired report on Action Comics #900, Fox News has given a rather measured response online to the events therein, saying;
"Superman renounces his U.S. citizenship in Action Comics' record-breaking 900th issue. But that's not all the benevolent alien refugee does in the sprawling special issue, which hits stores Wednesday.
The Man of Steel throws down in outer space against a continually misguided Lex Luthor, who's finally rewarded for his boundless ambition by becoming a petulant god. Supes also throws a pizza party with Lois Lane for his Kryptonian pals, who crowd his couch while chowing grub and chewing scenery. He talks cosmology and philosophy with an interstellar deity beset by guilt over civilizations he was perhaps too selfish to save, and goes head-to-head with a one-time pro athlete who's become a superheroic show-off.
Rather reasonable isn't it? No histrionics, no calls to action, no claims of antipatriotism.
No, that's the job of the commentators…
Don't buy the stupid magazine. How about coming up with a new American Patriot Superman?
Now that he is gay, does his rearend whistle when he flies?
is there no boundaries for this pablum pukin liberal agenda? next they'll have him flyin with captain cornhole
EXCLUSIVE!!!!!! In next months issue Superman wears adult diapers and P00PS himself
He's probably being de-Americanized to increase his appeal to the now world-wide Superman brand. We were much more isolated as a nation in the 1930s when the character was created. It's unfortunate that this is happening, but there are 70 years of back stories to entertain us if we don't like the character's new identity.
THAT is NOT Superman!
He was never a natural born citizen anyway … Go back to Krypton …
He was a citizen. Just couldn't run for president.
I bet he becomes a t aco, wears a tur bin or uses ch op sticks
I read that he is upset that he fights the evil Lex, and now Nobama sneaks in and he is worse than Lex.
Me thinks superman has his leotards in a bunch.
Superman is an illegal alien anyway………When Batman renounces his citizenship, then we have a problem.