Week One of Diamond's thirteen weeks of bankruptcy proceedings is up. Bleeding Cool is looking at Diamond's plans going forward.
Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: arrow, film, Marc Andreyko, tv
Will Martian Manhunter Appear In The Next Episode Of Arrow? (UPDATE)
Marc Andreyko, talking about next week's episode of Arrow, talked at length to Nerd Nation about Martian Manhunter's role and how he could be treated in the New 52.
And then, apropos of nothing, around 54 minutes in to the show, he said;
"If you're not watching Arrow show on CW, you probably start with this Wednesday's episode…"
And then acted all mysterious.
Could it be..?
UPDATE: It could, It's the Kate Spencer Manhunter though, rather than J'onn J'onzz,,,
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