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Opening The DC Comics Suggestion Box
Here are submissions by current working DC Comics professionals for Bleeding Cool's DC Suggestion Box ahead of this weekend's creative summit in Charlotte, North Carolina.
An open bar during meetings.
Don't try to make a hero sandwich out of croutons. Take the Norm Breyfogles and Jon Bogdonovs off the work horse bench instead of dividing the next issue of I'm Paying Money For This between six different artists.
Editorial has a right to dictate how their lines should progress, but not at the last minute and while changing other parts. Stop trying to please all of the people all of the time and just try to tell a solid story.
Bring back Ted Kord.
Let Creators Create. Instead of asking creators what is happening in the books that would lead to shocking revelations during WTF month a dozen editors sat in a boardroom turning the event into Why The Fanfic? Then they wonder why 52 writers are left asking Where's The Fun?
Script should dictate artwork, not the other way around.
It is okay for someone other than Dan Didio to have an idea. 52 books means 52 writers have been hired to write 52 books every month. That is a huge creative pool to draw from. So why does every idea have to get bottle necked through one man?
More humor in the books
Every editor should write a book. This way they can all be acutely aware of the pressure of a monthly schedule as well as the daily drudge of having to incorporate random and contradictory notes from "editorial".
Stop deciding what happens in a book with the flip of a coin.
Just because a writer can create a story super fast, doesn't mean it's super good. Give them time to craft.