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Thursday Brings You Hacks, Trailers, Jumping Knives And Speed Dating
The Guardian newspaper asks… is Neil Gaiman a hack? I know I am… in the same paper, Dave Gibbons talks about using computers in his work and his hatred for the typeface he helped inspire, Comic Sans and his joy at seeing his own digital lettering font used in The Dandy.
At WizardWorld Chicago Comic Con this year, comics creator and female wrestling fan George Perez hosted an afterhours Speed Dating session. Not surprisingly, the male and female camps were hesitant to inter-mingle until Perez stepped in as a social 'icebreaker' to get the male and female sides together. He promised a 'special' drawing for any couple that might end up together permanently as the result of the night's festivities. I look forward to the "We're starying together for the George Perez sketch" announcement.
Desperado have a trailer for their upcoming graphic novel, Deadworld: Slaughterhouse. Initially a four issue mini-series, Diamond Comic Distributors new trading terms forced the company to abandon the series after one issue, but they've now recreated the book as a graphic novel. Order Code AUG090838 if you like what you see. The book is currently being developed as a movie by David Hayter. You can read the first chapter for free, here.
Bleeding Cool user kaiho spots an odd error in Dark Reign: Lethal Legion #1featuring the incredible jumping knife.
Left! Right! Left!
The Koran-based superhero series The 99 is to be distributed in China, via their mobile phone network.
Don MacPherson covets the Amazon-announced by DC-Marketing-non-commenting Kubert Covers War, which could be a collection of Joe Kubert war stories – or just his covers.
I've commented before about the fan-hating of Russell T Davies for killing off (oh come on, it's aired everywhere now, it's not a spoiler) Ianto in the recent Torchwood: Children Of Earth series. There was a big campaign to send the Torchwood production office bags of coffee (ianto is referred to as the coffee boy in the show) – but the office only received eight bags. Anyway. Actor Gareth David Lloyd will be signing copies of the new Torchwood audio book The Sin Eaters at Borders in Cardiff at 1pm. Expect lots of young ladies queued saying "but whhhyyyyy did they kill you off, wwwhhhhhhyyyyy…"
Sexually explicit comics used to harass police officer. I bet it was copies of Batman Confidential.
Feel happy Americans. Sony is buying cartoonist Terry Gilliam's The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus for US distribution. Thought odds are we'll get it here first. Serves you right for not letting us have Up for another two months. I bet Kick Ass will be complicated internationally too…