The USA pauses tariffs and taxes on comic books printed in Canada for another month... and a few other things as well, probably.
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Font Watch: Has The Recession Affected The Avatar Papyrus Choice?
Avatar. The biggest, greatest, most eagerly awaited blockbuster from James Cameron. With a marketing budget that will cost almost as much as the movie itself. And a cheap-ass design font. Well, you know, there is a recession on. And, hey it was probably all of $30…
That's pretty much the Papyrus font folks, created by Chris Costello in 1982. And used to death on tat ever since. Costello says ""Although many despise the font, right up there with Comic Sans, and Helvetica, I think even more people absolutely love it" – well, add James Cameron as a new fan.
Here are some more. Thanks to I Heart Papyrus and Papyrus Watch

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