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Steve Bissette Saying Goodbye To 1963
Bleeding Cool ran a piece the other day on Tales Of The Uncanny, the new project created by Steve Bissette and students of the CCS, using characters that appeared in the Alan Moore/Steve Bissette/Rick Vietch unfinished Image series, 1963.
He also stated that attempts to reprint and conclude the 1963 series have repeatedly failed over the last ten years, the most recent at Dynamite seemed almost to come to fruition, but did not, Alan Moore removing his blessing.
An Alex Ross illustration (now removed) would have formed the basis for the cover to the Dynamite hardcover.
As a result, it's been decided that a reprint will never happen. And copyright in the 1963 characters has been divided – Bissette's share forming the basis of his Tales Of The Uncanny project, now being published by About Comics, he's pulled copies of 1963 from his online store and he will no longer mention 1963 again.
When asked for comment, Rick Vietch told me "Nothing to add to Steve's statement except that I've instructed my immediate friends and family to pick up a baseball bat and bean me if I mention the idea of collecting 1963 ever again" and Nick Barrucci of Dynamite gave a similar "It's a situation that I feel is unfair to comment on. I respect all the creators involved, and somethings are best left not discussed in public."
Alan Moore fell out permanently with Steve Bissette over an interview Bissette gave to the Comics Journal, which concerned Bissette's attempts to publish From Hell, though details are sketchy. It's unknown if this is a factor.
I don't suppose anyone going to MoCCAFest can pick me up a preview?