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Brett Ewins Out Of Jail
I just got off the phone with former Deadline publisher Tom Astor who told me some good news about 2000 AD artist and Deadline co-founder Brett Ewins. For some of you who have been following this tragic story, Brett was arrested after stabbing a policeman during a psychotic episode (he is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia) The whole event was overly sensationalised in the Daily Malice and better explained here.
The good news is that Brett is out of prison, as of this afternoon. He has been found guilty of the lesser assault charge (Instead of GBH), and is awaiting sentencing. However, the judge has released him on a form of bail. Having served nine months on remand, partly unconscious in hospital, and the rest in a standard jail (where he shouldn't have been), it is extremely unlikely that he'll return to prison, as that will count as time served.
Brett is back on medication and under psychiatric care for the forseeable future, and will now hopefully be able to start rebuilding his life again after this terrible incident. I can't go into the details of an ongoing case, but it's my understanding that poor medical provision was the major cause of Brett's breakdown, and this is being investigated.
Tom Astor, Peter Milligan, Alan McKenzie were all in the court at the time.
I know that many people who personally know Brett, or simply love his art, will want to wish him all the best for a speedy recovery. Please spread the good news.