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Commission And Be Damned – Catwoman On A Hot Tin Roof
William Vuk writes;
In late 2009, I commissioned Pat Broderick to do a Catwoman commission for me to be picked up at the Boston Comic Con in April 2010. Pat immediately completed it, sending me a scan of the art and posting it on his Comic Art Fans webpage and I promptly paid for the piece. Fast forward to April 2010. In anticipation of receiving the art, I posted it on my Comic Art Fans webpage. Unfortunately Pat had to cancel his appearance at the Boston show. No big deal. I emailed him in July to arrange shipping. Then again in October. Then in November. Again in January of 2011. Then in July. I never received a response to ay of those 5 emails.
As luck would have it, Pat was going to be at the Baltimore Comic Con in August of 2011. I emailed him in August and he responded stating he would bring the art to Baltimore. Unfortunately Pat brought what he thought was my piece, but it was actually a Micronauts piece. He did insist that I take an older Catwoman piece he had with him (in the Michelle Pfeiffer costume – one that I do not collect/like). Its nice enough, but not my style. So I have something, just not what I paid for. After the show, I emailed him one more time in 2011 but did not receive a response.
In January 2012, I again emailed Pat and received a response two days later — stating "I'll see what I can do to get it out to you this week." Pat also referenced my thread on StatueForum regarding this commission. I emailed him 24 days later to find out about the status. Then again in March. And in May. Again in August. Next in October. And one last email this past Saturday (December 15th). I have not received a response to any of those 6 emails. Pat's wife, did copy me on an email forwarding my December 15th email to Pat (he was on the original as well) and she responded when I questioned why the email had no text.
Given the inability to receive my commission through what I consider polite and straightforward emails, I posted an update my StatueForum thread. A member there noticed that Pat had uploaded the Catwoman art onto Comic Art Fans in January 2010 and entitled it "Rooftop". I instituted a campaign to try to have that piece of art receive the most daily comments on Comic Art Fans in an effort to bring attention to my situation and perhaps get Pat to send me the art.