Scott Snyder's plans for Absolute Batman, Absolute Dick Grayson and The Absolute Joker for DC Comics to come... (Spoilers)
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, digital, entertainment, free, noisetrade
Free Digital Comics – Oh, And Books And Music Too – From NoiseTrade
NoiseTrade Books is a platform designed to help authors & publishers build their audiences by distributing free eBooks, audiobooks and music in exchange for reader data (email & zip/postcodes).
So, if you want free stuff in return for your personal data (and isn't that what the entire internet is based upon?) sign up here. Comics include work by Jimmy Palmiotti, Joe Quesada, David Gallaher, Steve Ellis, Bobby Timony, Aaron Alexovich, Drew Rausch, Eric Palicki, Jamaica Dyer, Valerie D'Orazio and more…

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