Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, fcvd, forbidden planet, free comic book day, gosh, london, orbital
Home From A Free Comic Book Day In London
Back from Free Comic Book Day in London with the kids and some of their friends. And lots of comics were bought (though I did have to move one child away from the Mercury Heat and towards the Spongebob Squarepants).
London was out for free comics. The line at Orbital snaked around the block from opening to at least 2pm when we had to leave. They are famous for having all the comics you want in depth but you will have to wait to get them…
Let's make it move….
Forbidden Planet also had a long line but they were able to disperse them by handing out pre-selected bags of free comics to all and sundry fast, fast fast which gave the kids more time to buy things..
…and yes that included Minecraft. But the 4 comics–for-£2 bags were also popular and the place was busy busy busy.
But, for the kids, Gosh was the star. Running a workshop with some of the worlds finest cartoonists, encouraging kids to create characters and tell their stories.
With lots of free comics available in the basement…
And cartoonists adding their skills to the windows…
And then, comics in hand, it was time to head home. Shame that the rugby was on…
Read the rest of our Free Comic Book Day coverage here.