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Millie Bobby Brown Turns It Up To Eleven At Emerald City Comicon – And She Wants To Play Princess Leia
Alyssa Pack was at the Millie Bobby Brown Q&A at Emerlad City Comicon yesterday.
On Saturday at Emerald City Comic Con the room was packed with so many Stranger Things fans that half the room had to stand for the entire panel. Stranger Things is an American science fiction-horror television series set in the 80s. At ECCC fans got a one of the kind Q&A with Millie Bobby Brown as she went deeper into the upside down.
Q: How did you perfect your American accent for the show?
Millie: "Honestly Disney channel. I watched a lot of Disney channel to practice my American accent."
Q: What was the hardest part of playing Eleven?
Millie: Not drinking enough water and not being able to cry on cue. There would be some days where I would be a little dehydrated on set so crying became extremely hard.
Q: What is one personality trait you and eleven share?
Millie: "Feisty. I am not ashamed of it, but I can be very feisty when i have to be."
Q: If you could play any role what would it be?
Millie: "Princess Leia. I love Carrie Fisher and it would be amazing to carry on her legacy."
Q: What was your favorite set on Stranger Things?
Millie: "Probably the lab is my favorite."
Q: What was your favorite moment during Stranger Things?
Millie: "Killing the monster. All of my cast mates are always making jokes on set but for this scene I got to watch them all cry and it was amazing."
Q: How do you really feel about Eggos?
Millie: "I do like Eggos, but the amount I eat on the show is a little excessive."
Q: Did you ever steal anything from set?
Millie: "No, but I stole an idea from the set. I saw a record player and I was like, dad I NEED ONE! I just want to live in the 80s."
Q: Is Barbra ever coming back?
Millie: "No, she is very dead. Dead, dead, DEAD! Like six feet under dead. Sorry guys but its over for that character."
Q: What was your initial reaction to having to shave your head to play Eleven?
Millie: "There are these children out there that have leukemia that do not have a choice on whether they have to shave their head. How am I going to not embrace it? My hair will obviously grow back and I had the choice to do it, but I was very excited to cut all of my hair off. Maybe it will become a trend."
Q: What is your fandom?
Millie: "Twilight and Vampire Diaries."
Q: Has there been anything that gave you nightmares after watching it?
Millie: Conjuring. My mom said I needed to get over it and watch it because it wasn't really that scary, but I was freaked.
Q: Which of the cast is your favorite?
Millie: "Joyce's dog. I bet you thought I was going to pick one of my cast mates right?"
Q: If you had a choice of starting a non-profit what would you choose?
Millie: "Animals rights. They have rights too and its really important to me."
Q: What is a typical day on set of Stranger Things
Millie: "I usually get on set and go to school first. Then I go to hair and makeup. Then I go and act. Then I'll go back to school and finish the day.
Q: If you could do a cross over episode which show would you choose?
Millie: "Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead."
Q: What can you say about Season 2?
Millie: "It is going to be amazing and it's a lot darker than Season 1 of Stranger Things."