Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: 5g, convergence, dc comics, marie javins
DC Launches Two-Month Comics Gap in 2020 – A Kind of Convergence II
You know how we said that, numerically, we might be getting a Batman #100 in August? Well, make that September.
Bleeding Cool heard at MCM London Comic Con from rather well-connected folk that DC Comics may be doing something similar to Convergence. You may recall you heard about that at Bleeding Cool first too when we referred to it as the DC Band-Aid – though we also were the first to tell you what it was actually called as well. Two months where regular comic book stories are halted, to tell a cross-continuity story affecting all books.
At the time, it was in aid of DC Comics moving from New York to Burbank, and editor Marie Javins was brought into the company to take on putting out all eighty-nine-or-so books that made up the event, often including lesser well-known creators to DC Comics. Getting them all out of the door, giving the rest of DC editorial a chance to move properly, saw her promoted within the group to her current position as Group Editor of the Justice League books.
Well, it's happening again. But rather than covering a more from once coast to the other it will be there to get DC Comics timeliness back on track. When books are not late right now, they are squeakily close to being so. And so you get issues like Superman and Supergirl featuring characters of the wrong ethnic background. Batpenises on display. And all manner of stuff getting sneaked through, unapproved.1
Giving all teams a two-month gap to get ahead and up to speed might be what everyone needs. To start preparing for 5G in 2021 (or sooner). And it seems that, once again Marie Javins will be the one tasked with delivering the new DC Band-Aid.
Convergence II would be too on the nose. Anyone have a suggestion? No, Heidi, not Blood Moon…