Rich Johnston Archives

It's All About 2000AD Prog 1812
Okay, we'vebeen running these Cold Deck teasers for 2000AD for the last few weeks. But this one may be a bit special. The story everyone's talking about
A Crisis In Multiple Books
Louis Falcetti writes; Matt Smith is not leaving Doctor Who. Why is that important? It shows that Smith is instep with the popular culture right now,
A Comic Book In Search Of A Publisher
Yes it's that Alwyn Talbot. Here's a comic book in search of a publisher. Anyone want to make them an offer they can't refuse? TITLE: DISCHARGED GENRE:
Liō: There's a Monster in My Socks
Cameron Hatheway writes; Before I ever got into comic books, I was raised on a healthy diet of newspaper comic strips. They were free, came every day, and
A History Of Dynamite.Com was first registered back in 1996, for an internet service company. They picked up a few clients, but them on the home page, but they didn't