Massive Publishing co-founder and president Kevin Roditeli quits to become a comic book writer, screenwriter and director.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, david lloyd, occupy, wall street
And Finally… David Lloyd Puts V On The Cover Of Occupy Comics
A year after Occupy began, here's the second issue of Occupy Comics, successfully funded by Kickstarter, with V staring down the Wall Street Bull. And the Wall Street Bull's balls.. It includes work by Mike Allred, Bill Ayers, Matt Bors, Shannon Wheeler, Si Spurrier, Smudge, Riley Rossmo, Patrick Meaney, Matthew Rosenberg & Patrick Kindlon, Ryan Alexander-Tanner and, naturally, Molly Crabapple.
Kickstarter funders (like myself) just got our copies and the comic can be bought from Black Mask Studios.

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