Posted in: Bad Idea, Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News | Tagged: bad idea, comic job, jobwatch
Bad Idea Is Selling Jobs in Comics For $1000 Each
So you want to break into the comic book industry but don't want to spend an age on your artistic skill to create a portfolio of work? Or time spent persuading wannabe artists to draw the comic you've written (and getting them to finish it)? Or schmoozing publishers at conventions, trying to get hired as an editorial intern and working your wat up? Or writing puff pieces for websites about publishers you hope will hire you in marketing, to write the very press releases you have been copying? Or becoming an A-list actor so you can walk into a comics gig?
Well, do you have a thousand dollars right now? Because, honestly, this is probably an easier and much cheaper way to get what you want. Bad Idea Comics is a relatively new comics publisher from Dinesh Shamdasani, Atom Freeman, Joshua Johns, Karl Bollers, and Anthony Militano. A direct-to-retailer publisher, eschewing digital and trade paperbacks in favour of one-cover one-per-person comic book sales from big comic book names. The new rebranding has seen them, continue to launch PR stunts to a) get attention and b) raise money by exploiting FOMO of comic collectors, even as the details are increasingly made more ridiculous. And this is definitely in that ballpark.
Become A BAD IDEA Employee — This Opportunity Is Only Available This Morning!
If you've ever wanted to work in comics, this is your chance. BAD IDEA is offering five (5) fans the opportunity of a lifetime. Fulfill your dreams by working in comics as an official BAD IDEA employee. The first five (5) people who respond to this email with the below information will be able to purchase a job at BAD IDEA for $1,000. Praise be to the gods of wealth – Lakshmi, Plutus and Mammon – if you are not one of the first five and you enter a purchase price above and beyond $1,000, for we are not strong enough to resist the temptation to let one or two more positions loose tonight.
Full name
Mailing address
Phone number
Purchase price ($1,000 or above and beyond)If you receive "gainful employment" at BAD IDEA, we will provide::
An official job title.
Pick your own from a selection we provide!
Your name and title in the masthead of BAD IDEA comics.
Qualifying credit for professional badges at San Diego Comic-Con & more!
Your own BAD IDEA business cards.
The thick paper kind!
Actual work but the easy kind.
Proof and do notes on a section of an actual upcoming comic!
One year employment guaranteed.
Put it on your resume!
A recommendation letter.
Leave armed with a vague but positive letter, just like the real thing!
This offer ends this morning (as soon as we sober up).We will be informing the newest members of the BAD IDEA team as soon as we get over our hangovers.
Honestly, if you can afford a thousand dollars and this is what you really, really want, I can't think of any better opportunity available to you right now that doesn't actually involve hard work. Also before most of Los Angeles wakes up. Respond to with the subject "Re: Become A BAD IDEA Employee — This Opportunity Is Only Available This Morning!" and you are in.