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Batman #116 Tops Bleeding Cool Bestseller List

This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what is known as the "Wednesday Warriors", those who can't wait till the weekend to get this week's comics. Though thanks to DC, Tuesday Titans too. If any other retailers would like to report their top sellers, please contact This week, Diamond may be down but… Batman always wins. And wins big.

Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List of the week

Batman #116 Tops Bleeding Cool Bestseller List
Batman #116 Tops Bleeding Cool Bestseller List
  1. Batman #116
  2. Dark Knights of Steel #1
  3. X Men Legends #8
  4. Star Wars #18
  5. Batman Superman Authority Special #1
  6. Amazing Fantasy #4
  7. Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers #1
  8. Trial of Magneto #3
  9. Human Target #1

Thanks to the following Bleeding Cool Bestseller List retailers…

If you would like to contribute to the Bestseller List retailer charts, let me know at Retailers come and go, and we always appreciate new blood, especially from retailers in other locations.

Who had this to say…

  • Rodman's Comics: Slower than normal week. Batman of course took the top spot. The Death of Doctor Strange spin offs bombed badly. The Magic Order 2 blew out of here Wednesday, every copy from the variants to the one per store variant.
  • Ssalesfish: Besides the top 3 which was led by Batman, of course, I don't know that anything else on there could be quantified as a top 10 book. Hard to know on titles like Newburn which is a new property, but most of the books only made the list because so little was released this week.

The Bleeding Cool Bestseller List returns next weekend (on time). If your store would like to be involved, get in touch.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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