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Comic Book Creator Edmund Bagwell Has Died, Aged 50
Titan editor, David Leach, has shared the tragic news. He writes,
Edmund Bagwell R.I.P
Very sad to hear of the death of Edmund Bagwell at the age of 50. He was a genuinely fantastic artist with a wonderfully original style. His work mostly graced the pages of 2000AD. I can't say I knew him well. I first met him back in the glory days of Marvel UK and always enjoyed his company, he had an exceedingly dry sense of humour and a style of drawing I found utterly intoxicating, I came very close to working with him on a project, but sadly it was not to be. He will be sorely missed.
My thoughts are with his family who have asked for donations to be made on his behalf to pancreatic cancer charities.
I read Bagwell's work when I was younger, in comics such as Revolver, later in 2000AD with The Ten-Seconders and Cradlegrave. I also had the pleasure to work with Bagwell on a comic I still hold close to my heart, Chase Variant for Mam Tor's Event Horizon, later collected and reprinted by Image Comics.
I threw everything but the kitchen sink at him and he threw it back in beautiful detail and humour – with the kitchen sink added just for luck.
He was an incredible talent. Which makes his death at such a young age even more tragic. I'll be making a donation to Pancreatic Cancer UK later today.