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Comic Store Chains Create Their Own Super League Just For The Big Boys

Comic Store Chains Create Their Own Organisation Just For The Big Boys at New York Comic Con

Article Summary

  • Major comic store chains form a super league from NYCC's Retailer Day.
  • Stores involved include Coliseum Of Comics and Forbidden Planet.
  • New group aims to amplify publisher impact with larger retailers.
  • Exclusive group requires a certain order size across locations.

ComicsPRO holds events and encourages conversations that publishers, creators and service providers can attend to address more comic book store retailers, owners, managers and staff than anywhere else. But it looks like it might have a rival – for some, at least. Bleeding Cool understands that spinning out of New York Comic Con's Retailer Day on Wednesday, a number of comic store chains, those with multiple outlets and a sizeable order base, have created a common communication point to maximise the impact that a publisher might have.

Comic Store Chains Create Their Own Super League Just For The Big Boys
Photo by Will

The stores named to me include Coliseum Of Comics, whose owner Phil Boyle initiated this group, Forbidden Planet, Graham Crackers Comics, Ultimate Comics, Bedrock Comics, and Collectors Paradise. These are all familiar names to Bleeding Cool readers and the biggest chains that can affect the biggest change.

I was reminded of the other year when a football European Super League was planned for just the biggest club… until people found out and it all fell apart. This probably won't have that kind of effect, but I can expect some people not to be happy over what might be seen as the big boys muscling smaller stores out of decisions or promotional opportunities.

But I am also told that some publishers find it frustrating to attend the other retailer events, trying to move the needle with each individual smaller store that orders few numbers anyway. This new venture will emphasise size and impact, and will only be available to those who can demonstrate a certain order size over multiple locations.

This Comic Store Superleague, as I have just this second decided to call it, may have started as just a chat channel, but there are plans for it to be a bit bigger very soon. It's possible that this article may even inspire a press release…

UPDATE: Shortly after publication, Phil Boyle confirmed the existence of the group and gave me its actual name, The Chain Store Syndicate. He writes "The Chain Store Syndicate, comprised of stores with three or more locations, was launched after casual conversations with other chain store owners, who face different challenges and have different needs than non-chain operations. Everything from staffing multiple locations, logistics, and ordering and stock leveling, are regularly discussed in an effort to make our jobs easier. The CSS is not a replacement or even a competitor to ComicsPRO, of which several members of CSS are members. ComicsPRO serves an important role in the industry and there is no desire to undermine those efforts. We have no officers, charter, or official operating agreement. We engage in a closed chat room to discuss chain store issues. We will engage with publishers but have no desire to put forth anything that would harm non-member stores, who could potentially benefit them as well."

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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