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DC Comics Changes The Name Of Seattle To Star City In Green Arrow #24
When the comic book Green Arrow rebooted six years ago with DC Comics' New 52 publishing initiative, he no longer lived in Star City. In fact, Star City was gone. Instead, he lived in Seattle. Younger and beardless. The real-life city that Star City was based on.
Obviously, the beard had to come back. it was Seattle after all.
But in recent issues we have seen official documents showing plans for a Star City within Seattle, with the current story title "The Rise Of Star City" pointing the way. And with Seattle currently looking like this in Green Arrow, with the collapse of the Space Needle…
But in today's Green Arrow #24 by Benjamin Percy and Juan Ferreyra, the Trump-alike Mayor has a plan…
Sorry, no, that's actually President Donald Trump from today's Dark Knight III: The Master Race #9. Where were we? Sorry, we're back to today's Green Arrow.
And you know what Capitalism means? Monetising the stories of the past…
…taking familiar legends and using them to inspire the present (I'm sure you know a few comic books like that)…
And then a brand name change.
Changing Seattle's name to Star City.
Because that will make everything better.
Or at least, create a little more synergy with the Arrow TV show, which always kept the original location.
Green Arrow #24 is published today. So, I suppose, is Dark Knight III: The Master Race by Brian Azzarello, Frank Miller, Andy Kubert and Klaus Janson.