Posted in: Comics, Emerald City Comic Con | Tagged: coronavirus, eccc, ReedPOP
ECCC Offers Optional Ticket Refunds in Wake of Coronavirus Pullouts
Following announcements from DC Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Oni Press, Penguin Random House, CGC, and others including quite a few individual creators that they will not have a presence at Emerald City Comic Con due to concerns about the growing coronavirus outbreak in Washington, ECCC has announced that they will issue refunds to ticketholders who no longer plan to attend the show. ECCC Staff will also be given the opportunity to not work or attend the show at their discretion.
That aside, ECCC appears to be pressing forward with the convention, at least for now. No word yet on whether ECCC will offer refunds to exhibitors. Check out the full statement below:
Since its inception, fans have comprised the very core of Emerald City Comic Con and all of Reedpop. We speak daily (and at great length!) about how to always put our fans first in everything we do. The evolving situation with the COVID-19 virus and developments in and around the city of Seaמּle have most certainly been at the forefront of our minds as Emerald City Comic Con approaches. Our customer base is central to all Reedpop decisions, and this scenario is no different. We value all of your voices and the spectrum of feedback that we have been receiving. Knowing that no two fans are alike, we have decided to make an exception to our no refunds ticket policy for our fans who are unable or uncomfortable aמּending Emerald City Comic Con in light of current events.
We here at Reedpop remain dedicated to running Emerald City Comic Con but understand that not everyone will be comfortable with that decision; if you wish to forgo aמּending this year's edition of Emerald City Comic Con, we absolutely respect your wishes and will refund your ticket purchase (details on just how to do this will be on our website).
We are commiמּed to following the enhanced cleaning guidelines, precautions and procedures that we recently deployed at our PAX East event in Boston and C2E2 in Chicago. We also insist that all fans, guests and exhibitors adhere to good sense and all protocols as suggested by the CDC. We are fully prepared to adjust our plans as the situation in and around Seaמּle develops. We are following – and will remain in compliance with – all city, state and federal guidelines. If the direction from federal, state or local official public health authorities does change between now and the show, we will adhere to that guidance, act upon it immediately, and update you.
We recognize that not everyone will agree with our decision: it is our feeling that this community values coming together and building connections, even in difficult times; that artists depend on fan relations to keep their work and careers growing; and that the very vibrancy of what makes our community special is just the type of energy and optimism that can buoy us as a broader community through these challenging and anxious times. In short, we feel we owe it to the customer to grant you the personal choice of whether or not to aמּend.
Our staff are fans, too, and we will be offering them the same option regarding aמּendance and working the show. In addition to extended daily work hours to bring you the best experience possible, incredibly long hours are dedicated yearlong to building Emerald City Comic Con. Staff are stakeholders in this event as well and we will honor their personal preferences.
Please stay in touch with us via our website and social media channels as this situation evolves. We continue to enthusiastically look forward to seeing you in Seaמּle very soon.
Fans requesting refunds can use the form here: