Posted in: Comics | Tagged: auctions, Comics, Facebook Live, famous face and funnies, florida
Famous Faces and Funnies of Florida Full On Facebook Live Auctions
Our friends at comic store Famous Faces And Funnies of Florida are running two twelve-hour Facebook Live selling auctions this weekend from noon to midnight EST each day. Yes, they are doing it alphabetically again. Well, if schools are not in session, it's good to know your ABCs.
They offer $8 flat rate shipping across the US, or free local delivery to those in Palm Bay or Melbourne, Florida. Which means local resident Isaac Perlmutter could catch up on some reading and not have to pay anything else on top.
And for Bleeding Cool readers who share the auction on social media once it is live, have a chance to win a $25 Famous Faces And Funnies gift card. They will also be giving away a free Facebook Live item every hour to those still watching. They also have some rules to share. Where would we be if we didn't follow the rules. Well, by the recent account of things, probably Florida.
Here are some ground rules for this giant undertaking. The auction will run exactly like a regular 3-hour auction, but because of its size, we will be a little more hard on the rules.
1. To claim an item, you must put a descriptor in the claim. So, if A is a Justice League look book you could say A JL or A Justice League or A Justice for example. If you leave off a descriptor, we'll remind you to add one but if it becomes a constant issue we will skip the improper claim and go to the first person who claimed correctly.
2. We will keep to the letter an hour so we can get through the entire alphabet. We will only revisit one letter back or one letter ahead of the current letter we are on.
3. You can send us a PM looking for additional books or add on items, but please understand that it may take as a little longer than usual to respond. Items in the auction must be claimed in the auction stream and not via a PM.
4. Your Facebook revolves around you and your immediate friends. In some cases, Facebook will display your comments first which will occasionally make it look like you claimed an item first when you did not. We see the comments in realtime, and since we are the origin point our Facebook connections to people do not affect how we see comments. We have the ultimate say in who gets what, and in some cases, we may have more than one copy of a book and can cover multiple people.
5. If we don't already have your PayPal email, please send us a PM with your email and correct address after you make a claim. Invoices will likely not begin to go out until Monday, May 25th, so please do be patient with us