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Fanboy Rampage: Dinesh Shamdasani Vs Current Valiant on Valiant Fans Facebook Page
Over at the Valiant Fans Facebook group, some Valiant readers have been expressing their concerns regarding the absence of certain characters from the publishers of late, with this image posted by John Hooser.
The conversation went as follows.
John Hooser Thanks for Rai/Fallen World, who again will be gone soon. Hope we can see the others really soon, PLEASE!
Henry J Starling Jr. there are no planned series for any of these characters in the foreseeable future
John Hooser They have all been off the shelves for 2 years maybe more.
Joe Gri 1 will be back before the end of the year
John Hooser Which one is that?
Joe Gri that I am not allowed to say. The secret to getting inside information is to not share it until you are allowed.
Joe Gri There should be announcement soon and you will all be happy. Just a little bit I know about next year has me very excited. San Diego is next week and New York is coming up soon. Get ready for an avalanche of Awesome Information.
Which got everyone excited, naturally, But some weren't happy with the general publishing strategies since the company was bought out by Chinese-originated venture capital firm DMG. Including one fan, Bryan Jackson.
Bryan Jackson So DMG went from partnering with Valiant for live action until them buying then out all together. Maybe they don't care about publishing comics.
That was enough to bring out Valiant Director Of Marketing, Mel Caylo, who has done similar jobs for Top Cow, Archaia and Boom…
Mel Caylo If they didn't care about publishing comics, over 20 people wouldn't have their dream jobs right now, making and selling comics for a living.
Bryan talked through is own experience as a Valiant fan to justify his fears,
Bryan Jackson When Acclaim bought Valiant in the late 90s. It was clear they only wanted it to make video games with the most popular characters. They too did publish printed comics for a while too before eventually shutting it down. So know your history. It could repeat itself. I hope not but its a possibility.
At which point, Valiant Sales Manager, Dani Ward, stepped in, addressing Bryan.
Dani Ward If I was you, I would leave this group. Because if I was you, I would be really, really embarrassed right now.
Which is an interesting approach. The conversation continued.
Bryan Jackson Im not leaving anything or going anywhere and I am embarrassed about nothing. If Acclaim in the 90s can buy Valiant and then give up on publishing then how do we not know that the corporate overlords at DMG could do the samething. Its a doomsday scenario that I don't want to happen being I am a Valiant fan from the beginning in 1990 when they were doing licensed comics like Mario Bros. Some of yall are being too sensitive. Maybe you should leave the group for overreacting to a different opinion than yours.
Dani Ward does Bryan want valiant to keep making comics?
But quite a lot of it revolved around Dani's statement that Bryan should leave the Valiant Fans Facebook group. And former publisher Dinesh Shamdasani, fired from Valiant after the DMG buyout, though still very much involved with the making of the Bloodshot movie, popped his head in…
Dinesh Shamdasani I try not to say much about Valiant these days because I'm not looking to hurt the characters but I wanted chime in here and express support for Bryan in the face of this incredibly unprofessional behavior from the company.
It's been a long time coming…