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Incoming Absolute Power Gossip From DC Comics (Spoilers)

More spilling out about Absolute Power, the big DC Comics event that will, somehow, birth the DC Absolute Universe. Spoilers of course...

Article Summary

  • Jonathan Kent recovers on Paradise Island but may still be influenced by Brainiac Queen's control.
  • Amanda Waller revisits the events of Suicide Squad #10 with a modern, menacing twist by John Ridley.
  • Dreamer, played by Nicole Maines, returns in Absolute Power Super Son One-Shot, written by Maines and Sina Grace.
  • Amanda Waller's new tactics against Batman trigger events leading to Dark Crisis and Absolute Power.

More spilling out about Absolute Power, the big DC Comics event that will, somehow, birth the DC Absolute Universe. As Jonathan Kent, son of Superman, free of Brainiac Queen control, is in recovery on Paradise Island with Jay Nakamura coming to meet him. But how free of her is he really?

Absolute Power Gossip (Spoilers)

Amanda Waller will revisit the events of Suicide Squad #10 by John Ostrander, Luke McDonnell and Bob Lewis back in 1988, as Batman breaks into Belle Reve. Rewritten by John Ridley and Alitha Martinez in Absolute Power: Origins to have fewer tights and more menace.

Absolute Power Gossip (Spoilers)

And given that Nicole Maines is co-writing Absolute Power Super Son One-Shot, with Sina Grace, drawn by John Timms and Travis Mercer, expect the return of Dreamer, the character she played on Supergirl.

We will learn Amanda Waller had a much cleverer way to identify Batman, not so much by his finger prints, but working out just what his finger prints were, and where else they may be found.

Absolute Power Gossip (Spoilers)

We are also going to learn that as a result of Amanda Waller's actions, that the character of Dreamer has died. Though she still, naturally, exists in dreams. For now, Is she finally free of Amanda Waller's grasp?

Amanda Waller's reaction to the Batman incursion, seeing her step up her game, and vow to take down the masked vigilantes and superheroes, leading directly into the eventual events of Dark Crisis and Absolute Power. She has to make the world right, after all. And she will prevail.

Also might Dreamer and Jonathan Kent have been a thing, in another world, in another life? Not sure how Jay will take to that, given what happened to his mother…

Jonathan Kent may be fighting to free himself of Brainiac Queen, but how much of Amanda Waller did she put herself into Brainiac Queen?

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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