Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, james tynion iv, Punchline
James Tynion IV Reveals Brand New Character, Punchline, in Upcoming Batman
James Tynion IV has been writing on his newsletter about Batman again, You really should sign up. And he's talking about this week's Batman – and the beginnings of Joker War in April.
This is the story that started in the epilogue to Batman 85, and will be the biggest Joker story since Batman: Endgame back during the New 52. This story is going to have huge, huge ramifications for Gotham City. You'll see all the seeds planted for Joker War in the background of THEIR DARK DESIGNS, especially as it hits its climax in April, but the big story starts in May.
And he has some introductions to make;
Who is this character on the amazing Yasmine Putri BATMAN #92 cover?! (I referred to her as the character to Batman's left on twitter, and people are still giving me crap about it, but also giving OTHER people crap about it which seems weird to me – stop fighting in my mentions!) I obviously meant the brand NEW character… The lady about to stab Batman! To the left of him in the image, not in relative space.
But he has more teases to share,
But WHEN does she appear for the first time? Is it BATMAN #89? Is it YEAR OF THE VILLAIN: HELL ARISEN #3? Am I writing her origin story in the JOKER 80th Anniversary Special? Is she Joker's new girlfriend? Is she a part of JOKER WAR??! Who the heck IS this Punchline, and why does she want to stab everyone?!?!?!?!?!?!
Wait, I'm not supposed to say that's Punchline yet, am I? I'm not supposed to say ANY of this! And what about this incredible character design from Jorge Jimenez…? Well, while we're here… Maybe I'll let you be the first to meet her.
I am VERY excited for her to start showing up in the books.
Spoilers. She is not a nice guy.
But James is, isn't he everyone?